The Fort Eisenhower Youth ChalleNGe Academy
The Youth ChalleNGe Academy at Fort Eisenhower(FEYCA), formally known as Fort Gordon, was established in September 2000, and is located on Fort Eisenhower, near Augusta, Georgia. We serve 16-18 year olds from across the state, which come from all socio-economic backgrounds.
FEYCA uses a military model to transform the lives of our students, by employing a tough, no nonsense approach to discipline and a caring, patient, and determined attitude toward education. We are partnered with Foothills Regional High School. This allows eligible cadets the opportunity to complete their High School Diploma while at the Youth ChalleNGe Academy.
Classes begin twice each year, in April and in October, and are continuous for 5 ½ months. Following the residential phase of the program, the Cadets must complete the 12-month-residential phase in order to successfully complete the Georgia Youth ChalleNGe Program. The Program has graduated 19,350 Cadets since its inception.