The Georgia National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program provides an opportunity for students, 16 to 18 years of age, who have not yet graduated from high school and who are willing to make a life-changing decision to volunteer for enrollment into this 22-week military-style residential program.
At the Youth Challenge Academy, cadets will have the opportunity to earn their academic credentials (GED, High School diploma, or earn transferrable high school credit and return to their traditional high school).
Download the GAYCP Academic Flyer
All Georgia Youth ChalleNGe Program cadets attend academic classes Monday-Friday as they prepare themselves for an opportunity to earn their academic credentials.
Approximately 50% of GAYCP cadets who complete the program earn their academic credentials.
Cadets can earn a General Education Diploma(GED), or through our partnership with Foothills Education Charter High School, accumulate high school credit or earn a high school diploma.
Foothills Regional High School is an accredited, state-funded high school aligned with Georgia state standards that offer our cadets a tuition-free, self-paced, the online program monitored by certified faculty and staff.
Foothills provides an environment that is focused on the individual cadet’s academic development and success.
Foothills uses a blended learning model, which means teachers are available to assist students with online content. Cadets can get assistance through a virtual classroom setting where actual teachers can provide the necessary support for the cadets.

Teachers are available Monday - Thursday from 9:00 am - 3:45 pm. Cadets can also work outside these hours on their content.
Each GAYCP campus also has paraprofessional staff in the classroom for direct support of the cadets during their assigned class time.
Cadets with additional educational needs also can work in a special virtual classroom that is monitored by special education teachers.
The benefit of this type of learning environment is that after a cadet graduates from the Youth Challenge program, they can remain with the Foothills virtual campus environment to continue to work until they graduate.
Eligible cadets are able to accumulate high school academic credits in a virtual environment that allows them to transfer back to their previous high school.
For those entering GAYCP with sufficient academic credits (16+ accepted academic credits), a cadet could potentially earn their high school diploma while in attendance at GAYCP. Attainment of a high school diploma opens more employment doors that would remain closed otherwise.
NOTE: We require a complete copy of an applicant’s academic transcripts and behavior records from all previously attended academic institutions as part of their application for GAYCP admission.

Note: We require a complete copy of an applicant’s academic transcripts, attendance, and behavior records from all previously attended academic institutions as part of their application for GAYCP admission.
If a student has an IEP or 504 Plan, we will need those as well to confirm we can offer any accommodations the student.
Contact Us
For further information about GAYCP contact Mrs. Aisha Ervin Director of GaYCP Recruiting & Outreach.
For further information about Foothills Education Charter High School, contact Mr. Scott Carrier, Site Director for Youth Challenge Programs.